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Q: What is the function of the complement jubilant?
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What is the function of the complement shown in After graduation the seniors were jubilant?

predicate adjective

What is the function of the complement in parentheses in this sentence After graduation the seniors were (jubilant).?

Predicate adjective

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence After graduation the seniors were JUBILANT?

Predicate adjective

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence after graduation the seniors you jubilant?

The complement "are jubilant" functions as a predicate nominative, identifying and describing the subject "seniors" as being jubilant after graduation. It completes the meaning of the subject by providing additional information about its state or condition.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence?

predicate adjectives

What is jubilant in French?

Jubilant is jubilant(e) in French :)

Is the function member a objective complement?

No, "member" is not an objective complement in this context. It is functioning as a predicate nominative, renaming the subject "function."

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in this sentence We named our Australian shepherd (Allie).?

objective complement

In which sentence does the underlined objective complement function as a noun?

Can you provide the sentences you would like me to evaluate for the function of the underlined objective complement?

What is the function of a subjectiuve complement?

The function of subjective complements is to follow the linking verb with a predictive expression. It also works to complement the subject of the sentence.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in the sentence we named our (Australian shepherd) AlliE?

obj. complement

What is the function of the complement cascade called opsonization?

Opsonization is a process in which pathogens are marked for destruction by phagocytic cells. It involves the binding of complement proteins to the surface of the pathogen, making it easier for phagocytes to recognize and engulf the pathogen.