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shows where all the mantle muscles were attached in life

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Q: What is the function of the pallial line on a clam?
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What is the function of the tooth-like projections at the dorsal edge of the clam's valves?

to allow the clam to filter feed

What is the function of the two adductor muscles in the clam?


Why are some stoves referred to as clam shells?

Some stoves are referred to as clam shells because they resemble the form and function of the shells of a clam. They are compact with hinge joining two halves.

What is the function of the mantle of a clam?

The mantle of a clam protects the clam from sunlight in shelled mollusks, the mantle is the organ that forms the shell, and adds to the shell to increase its size and strength as the animal grows.

What is the function of the stomach and digestive gland in the clam?

They digest and store food

What type of body cavity is a clam?

A clam has a coelom, which is a fluid-filled body cavity. This cavity provides space for internal organs to develop and function properly.

What is the function of a kidney in a clam?

The function of the kidney is to clean and filter the blood, kidney's get rid of the unwanted fluids (waste)hope this helped !

What is a function that forms a line when graphed called?

It is a continuous function. If the line is a straight line, it is a linear function.

What is the usual function of the mantle in a snail or clams?

It allows the snail or clam to make it's own shell.

What is the function of the tooth-like projections at the dorsal edge of the clams valves?

to allow the clam to filter feed

What is the function of umbo in clam?

The shell of a clam consists of two valves hinged together along the dorsal side (front). On the opposite end of where the clam opens is a swollen region (the umbo) where the shell of the clam starts to grow.

Does a clam have a body cavity?

Yes, clams have a body cavity called a coelom where their internal organs are housed. This cavity helps provide space for their organs to function properly and allows for movement and support within the clam's body.