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To measure temperature

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Q: What is the function of themometer?
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What is the themometer does jam have?

This is gobbledygook.

Can mercury from a themometer kill you?

Yes, it can.

What is laboratory themometer?

for measuring temperature

What do you use to get the temperature of a pond?

a themometer

Who invented the water themometer and when?

The water thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei around the early 17th century. He used the principle of water expanding when heated to create a device that could measure temperature accurately.

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Who invented the water themometer in 1593?

Galileo Galilei is credited with inventing the water thermometer in 1593. It was an early form of a thermometer that used the expansion of water to measure temperature changes.

An instrement for measuring hot and cold?


Where do you use a liquid themometer?

In a laboratory, at home, etc.

How do you use themometer in a sentence?

According to the thermometer, it is 80 degrees.

Why did Galileo Galilei invent the themometer?

To Measure somethings temperature

What point in a themometer Fahrenheit degree equal to Celsius.?

At -40.