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circulatory system

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Q: What is the function of this system?
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The major function of an operating system is to manage all resources of a system.

Is hematopoiesis a function of muscular system?

No. Is a function of the red marrow of the bone (skeletal system).

What other 2 systrems does the muscular function with?

It can function with the skeletal system and the nervous system.

What is the primary function of the primary system?

The primary function of the reproductive system is to generate new species. This function is commonly referred to as procreation.

What is the primary function of reproductive system?

The primary function of the reproductive system is to generate new species. This function is commonly referred to as procreation.

What is the function of the endomembrane system in?

The function of the "Endormembrane" system is to transport materials throughout the cell.Update : not specific

What is the function of the circularatory system?

The function of the circulatory system is to deliver blood to the body and back to the heart

What is the function of the organs of the digestion system?

the function of organs in the digestive system is to break down food

What is the function of organs of the digestive system?

the function of organs in the digestive system is to break down food