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A forward declaration. In all statically typed languages (such as C++), all types must be declared before they can be used. A function is a type (the return value defines its type), but the compiler only needs to know how the function is called, not how it is implemented, so the function definition does not need to be visible to the compiler before the function can be called. The definition can actually be placed in another translation unit entirely.

Note that a function definition is also a function declaration.

Forward declarations make it possible for two functions to be dependent upon each other.

A function declaration includes the return type, the name of the function and its argument types. The formal names of a function's arguments are not required in it's declaration, they are only required in its definition. A function's signature is the same as its declaration but excludes the return type. All calls to a function must match its signature. If the return type is used, it must be assigned to a type that is covariant with the declared type.

Function declarations are typically placed in header files. By including the header in every translation unit that uses the function, we ensure the function's declaration is consistent across all translation units. If the function is defined in the same header it is declared, then it must also be declared inline. Multiple definitions of the same function are permitted provided they are token-for-token identical, thereby adhering to the one definition rule (ODR).

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Q: What is the function that eliminates the need to place the function definition before all calls to the function?
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