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Dots and Boxes

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Q: What is the game called were you have to make a square and if you do you put your initial in it?
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What is a square called if you make it in a circle?

a square in a circle

Does a square have four equal lines?

Yes. When the lines are used to make a square, they're called "sides" of the square.

What is the game where you tap balloons to make them float?

The game is called Float.

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How do you make a D'S game?

Yes, there is this downloadable tool called: DS game maker.

Does anyone else have problems with their hair mods that they download for The Sims 4 like it looks fine in CAS but in actual game play the ends are square and they have blonde square streaks?

Change the game resolution, make it higher in game options.

Why is it called set square when it is a triangle?

Because you use it to draw squares. Also if you put two together they make a square.

What statements can you make about a square?

They have 4 equal sides,they can be called as a rectangle or a diamond.

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Who made the game called ourWorld?

Skie Pie and D0R4 has made the game called ourWorld. They made that game because they thing that they should make a little bit more fun game.

Is there games online where you can make your own levels?

there is an online game called roblox where you can make your own game and play the ones from other people

How can you make a toy?

There is fun and easy toy you can make. A bean bag toss game is the easiest game you will ever make. First you need a box, beans, fabric, and scissors. You make a hole in the box . Then you cut a square out of the fabric. You know what just go to related links. You will see how to make this game. Good Luck!