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If you're looking for an equation that describes the loss of heat of an object in terms of time and the ambient temperature I would recommend Newton's law of cooling.

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Q: What is the general equation of heat loss?
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The general equation for the combustion of alkanes is: Alkane + O2 --> CO2 + H2O This equation represents the reaction of an alkane with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water, releasing heat in the process.

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The general equation for the combustion of fossil fuels is: Fossil Fuel + O2 → CO2 + H2O + heat This equation represents the process where fossil fuels react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat energy.

What is the heat loss equation?

Heat loss due to change in temperature: Q = mc(T2-T1) Heat loss due to change in phase: Q = mL c and L are constants that are specific to each compound at certain temperatures. For water, we usually take c to be 4186 J/(kg*K).

What is the heat dissipation loss formula?

The heat dissipation loss formula is typically given by the equation: Heat Dissipation Loss = I^2 * R where I is the current passing through the component and R is the resistance of the component. This formula is commonly used to calculate the amount of heat generated and lost by a resistor or any other electrical component due to the flow of current.

Is hysteresis loss considered heat loss?

In general even though energy is lost during hysteresis it is not called as heat losses . Generally I2R losses are called as heat losses because in these tye of only in these energy is lost in the form of real heat

What is the formula for the R - value?

simply put r-value= temperature differenceXareaXtime/heat loss the standard uses 75degrees on one side of a substance and the heat loss is measured across the substance this heat loss is then quantified by a temperature measurement of the noon standard temperature this becomes the temperature difference in the equation. the area is just that, in square feet and the time is in hours and the heat loss in Btu's. you dandan the heatin man

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heat loss

The equation AX plus BY is the general equation for a?

AX + BY is not an equation .AX + BY + C = 0is the general equation for a straight line.

Which is a general equation for an endothermic double replacement reaction?

The general equation for an endothermic double replacement reaction is: AB + CD → AD + CB + heat absorbed. In this reaction, the reactants AB and CD exchange ions to form the products AD and CB, with the absorption of heat from the surroundings.

How is heat included in the equation of the endothermic reaction?

In an endothermic reaction, heat is included as a reactant in the chemical equation. This indicates that the reaction requires heat to proceed, and it is absorbed from the surroundings during the process. The heat is typically written as a reactant on the left side of the equation.

How no to lose heat loss?

It really depends on the situation. But in general terms, you use special materials as heat insulators. You can't avoid heat from flowing altogether, but you can reduce it considerably by using good insulators.