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GM = sqrt(2*4) = 2*sqrt(2) = 2.83 (to 3 sf)

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Q: What is the geometric mean of the two numbers 2 and 4?
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What is the geometric mean of two numbers 2 and 12?

Geometric mean of 2 and 12 is 4.898979485566356. Look at link: "Calculation of the geometric mean of two numbers".

What is the Formula of geometric mean for 2 numbers?

The geometric mean of two numbers is the square root of their product. For example, the geometric mean of 4 and 25 is 10.

What is the geometric means between 2 and 24?

Geometric mean between 2 and 24 is 6.928203230275509. Look at link: "Calculation of the geometric mean of two numbers".

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Geometric mean of 36 and 2 is 8.48528137423857 Look at link: "Calculation of the geometric mean of two numbers".

Is the geometric mean the same as the mean or average of two numbers?

Not usually. Given numbers a and b, the mean or average is (a + b)/2 but the geometric mean is sq rt (a X b). If both a and b equal 1, the results are the same.

Find two geometric means between 5 and 135?

Two numbers can have only one geometric mean. The geometric mean of 5 and 135 is +sqrt(5*135) = +sqrt(675) = 15*sqrt(3) = 25.98

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What is the Geometric mean of the pair of numbers 2 and 18?

6 (six)

Find the geometric mean of the pair of numbers. 2 and 4?

It is sqrt(8) = 2.8284, approx.

What is the geometric mean of the two numbers 1 and 4?

GM(1, 4) = sqrt(1*4) = sqrt(4) = 2

How do you find a geometric mean?

If there are only k numbers x(1),x(2)....,x(k), the geometric mean is the kth root of the product of these k numbers. Example: find the geometric mean of 4,3,7,8 We want the fourth root of 4 x 3 x 7 x 8 = 672 =(672)^(1/4) = 5.09146 is the geometric mean. The geometric mean is normally defined only for a set of positive numbers.

What is the geometric mean and how do you cal culate?

I'm posting a link which explains it pretty good, but here it is. Given a set of n numbers, the Geometric mean is found by multiplying all of the numbers together, then taking the nth root of this product. The nth root can also be written as taking to the 1/n power.Example: Geometric mean of 8 and 2: There are two numbers, so take the square root of the product. sqrt(8*2) = sqrt(16) = 4.