Since the greatest digit is 9 and the greatest 2-digit number is 99, the product of them is 891.
2 digit number
Greatest 2 digit prime number is 97. Lease 2 digit prime number is 11.
It is 891.
It is: 97*2 = 194
Since the greatest digit is 9 and the greatest 2-digit number is 99, the product of them is 891.
The greatest 2-digit even number is 98
2 digit number
Greatest 2 digit prime number is 97. Lease 2 digit prime number is 11.
Greatest 2 digit Prime number is 97. Lease 2 digit prime number is 11.
It is 891.
11 is the smallest 2-digit prime number and 97 is the greatest 2 digit prime number, so their difference is 86
The digit with the second greatest value in the number is '1'. its value is second to the largest number which is 2.
7 is.
It is: 97*2 = 194