The greatest common denominator of any two or more whole numbers, such as 9 and 12, will always be one (1) because common denominators refers to the denominators of two or more fractions or mixed numbers, not whole numbers. So, a set of whole numbers (x,x) would have to be converted to their fraction equivalents, i.e., x/1, which will always yield a denominator of 1.
The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least common denominator is 45.
1188 is a common denominator for 9,11,12
The least common denominator of 9, 12, and 16 is 144.
5/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/125/12 + 9/6The least common multiple (LCM or common denominator) of 12 and 6 is 12 so bring both fractions to the same denominator: 5/12 + 18/12Add the numerators, the denominator is the LCM: 23/12Answer = 23/12
The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least common denominator is 45.
The greatest common denominator of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
To compare fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 9, 4, and 12 is 36. Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 36, we get 20/36, 27/36, and 21/36. Therefore, in order from least to greatest: 5/9, 7/12, 3/4.
It is 180
1188 is a common denominator for 9,11,12
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.The GCF of 36 and 45 is 9.
The least common denominator of 9, 12, and 16 is 144.
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 9