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Q: What is the greatest degree of angle latitude?
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How is the altitude angle and zenith angle related to latitude and declination?

solar altitude angle= (90 degree - zenith angle )

Right triangle 140 degree angle?

In a right triangle the greatest angle is 90 degrees.

What angle has the greatest measure?

An angle can have up to 180 degree's. A circle can have up to 360 degrees. An angle with 180 degrees is a straight line. If you went any farther than it would change into a 179 degree angle, and so on.

What is longitude messured in?

Longitude is an angle. So is latitude. Both can be measured in any angle unit, but the 'degree' and its subdivisions have always been the most popular.

How many 1 degree latitude lines can fit on a globe?

The angle between the north pole and the south pole ... the total range of latitude ... is 180 degrees.

Why is latitude and longitude written in degree?

Latitude and longitude are written in degrees to measure angles. The Earth is divided into 360 degrees of longitude and 180 degrees of latitude, with 0 degrees at the equator and the Prime Meridian, respectively. This system allows for precise and universal location coordinates across the globe.

How can you determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere just by using a star?

To determine your latitude in the northern hemisphere using a star, measure the angle between the horizon and the star using a sextant. This angle is called the star's altitude. If you know the star's declination (which is constant), subtract it from 90 degrees minus the star's altitude to find your latitude.

What angle above the horizontal should a projectile be fired to produce the greatest downrange distance?

its 45 degree

What is the supplement of a 148 degree angle?

The supplement of a 148-degree angle is a 32-degree angle.

What is the coplement of a 55 degree angle?

The complement of a 55 degree angle is a 35 degree angle

Is each degree of latitude divided into 360 minutes?

A "line" of latitude is a circle that goes all the way around the earth, parallel to the equator. The "line" is made up of all the points on Earth that have the same latitude, and any latitude you name makes a different "line". The"line" is not divided up into any parts. Latitude is an angle. Latitudes are described in units of angles, usually degrees and parts of a degree. There are 60 minutes in one degree of angle, and 60 seconds in one minute of angle.

What is degree latitude of Valdivia Chile?

What is degree latitude of Valdivia, Chile