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Q: What is the greatest factor that determines whether a person is socially extroverted or introverted?
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It is impossible to suggest any interpretation without further information. To an out-going, socially-oriented person, this dream could be happy and comforting. But a shy, introverted individual could experience the same dream as threatening and uncomfortable.

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A loner is someone that likes to be alone, not in the crowd. signs of a Loner: + likes to be alone + stays at home a lot +avoids human interactions +loves who they are +don't care what other people think of them +highly sensitive & +shy or introverted

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Nikola Tesla was known for being innovative, eccentric, and highly dedicated to his work. He had a brilliant mind and was often described as a visionary ahead of his time. Tesla was also known to be introverted and socially awkward, but he was a tireless worker who was passionate about pushing the boundaries of science and technology.

If a person is socially awkward and they meet an outgoing person will that outgoing friend make the awkward one more outgoing?

* It's very common for a more reserved person to have a partner that is more extroverted and yes, it's very possible that the reserved person will become more open with other people by learning from their partner, but, the reserved person will still never be as extroverted as their partner. Each individual has a different personality and if all people were the same it would be a very boring world.

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socially irrespondible

What determines who receives products in command economies?

the command system will determine for whom the product is produced. Again, the focus is on socially desirable objectives. The product can be allocated based on class, on a queuing process, on a reward system

What is a socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations rights and duties?

A socially defined position in a group or society characterized by certain expectations, rights, and duties is known as a social role. It determines how individuals are expected to behave in a given context and influences their interactions with others. Social roles are often shaped by cultural norms and values.

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Yes it is socially acceptable.

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i am not sure but I think it is used socially when talking.

The Introvert Child?

People can be classified into two groups: those who are introverted and those who are extroverted. Although some children have the tendency to be temporarily shy or only shy in certain situations, this distinction applies to children as well as adults. Introversion is not the exact same thing as social anxiety or shyness, it is an unchangeable personality trait. It is possible for someone who is fundamentally introverted to be a well-adjusted individual. If you are extroverted, however, it is easy to see your child's introversion as a negative thing.Don't Guilt-Trip Your Child For Not Being SocialPeople have different standards for how much social interaction is optimum for them. If you have mulitple children, you might notice one of your children not socializing as much as his or her siblings, or you may just think that your child spends too much time alone. Even if you are concerned, it is important not to make your child feel guilty or like there is something wrong with them for not spending as much time with friends or for not having as many friends as you would like them to. Introverts tend to have fewer friends, but they may feel like the friends they do have are very close to them.Understand Your Child's Need For Alone TimeA child who is introverted may spend a lot of time reading, on the computer or doing other hobbies alone rather than spending a lot of time with others. They may also tend to get overwhelmed when they have to spend time in a group setting or put themselves out there socially. Introverts just need to spend more time alone than extroverts do. For introverts, alone time is a good time to think about things or embark on creative projects.Encourage Your ChildYou can encourage your introverted child to get involved in creative activities and nourish their interests. Introverts may not be extremely social and able to easily talk to everybody, but they are more likely to find friends who share common interests with them and establish deep friendships. You can encourage them to be in social situations, but it is not simply a matter of forcing your child to spend more time with others. They have to make the choice on their own.

How do people become socially devalued?

hoe do people become socially devalued