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The part of the question stated "negative odd integer" is not necessary. The only part needed is odd. The only numbers less than -5.7 are ALL negative and it would have to be a whole number to be odd so integer is not needed.

So, you would be asking the same thing by asking "What is the greatest odd number less than -5.7?"

* * * * *

The answer is -7, not -9.

There is no reason why the answer should be an integer unless the question specified that. It is perfectly correct that the question specifies that it is an integer. The question could have been seeking the greatest number less than -5.7 and the answer would have been that there cannot be such a number because because numbers are infinitely dense.

* * * * *

The greatest odd integer less than -5.7 is -7

The greatest odd number less than -5.7 is also -7

I was correct on my explanation.

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Q: What is the greatest negative odd integer less than -5.7?
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