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The answer will depend on whether the shape is a cone or a cylinder. And since you have not bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a sensible answer.

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Q: What is the height if the radius is 5 and surface area is 80?
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The area to an 80 mile radius?

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What area of a parallelogram with a base of 16 ft and a height of 5feet?

Area = Base*Height = 16*5 = 80 sq feet.Area = Base*Height = 16*5 = 80 sq feet.Area = Base*Height = 16*5 = 80 sq feet.Area = Base*Height = 16*5 = 80 sq feet.

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the net that haves more than 80 square units is a square with a height of 20 and and base of 10

How many square feet in a 80 inch radius of a circle?

If the radius of a circle is 80 inches, then the area of the circle is 139.6263 square feet. (rounded)

What is the volume of a cone with radius of 2 mm and height of 80 mm?

Volume is 335.1 mm3

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 80 meters?

Area of a circle = piRsquared = 3.14 x 80 squared = 20,096 square meters.

What is the area of the triangle if the base is equal to 80 and the height is equal to 2?

The area is 80 squared units.

What is the surface area of a rectangular prism with a width of 4 inches a length of 10 inches and a height of 7 inches?

4x7x2=56 4x10x2=80 7x10x2=140 56+80+140=276in

Which has a greater area a circle with circumference of 40.5 feet orange a circle with radius 80 inches?

A circle with a radius of 80 inches has an area of 139.6 square feet A circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet has an area of 130.5 square feet