Graphs and statistics in advertising can help people decide what products bring the most profit. Statistics can also show the age groups of the customers and their location.
what is the importance of statistics?
Both bar graphs and picture graphs show statistics (data) in a visual (graphic) form.
importance of computer system in the study of statistics
error bar can be drawn for statistical comparison of bars and graphs.
Graphs visualize data allowing the brain to interpret a large data set quickly and infer trends.
what is the importance of statistics?
Identify the different types of statistics graphs and illustrations that are appropriate for your topic?
Both bar graphs and picture graphs show statistics (data) in a visual (graphic) form.
importance of basic statistics
importance of statistics in trade
what are the importance of statistics to welding
error bar
appraise the importance of statistics to human activities
importance of statistics in field of economics
Discuss the importance of descriptive statistics