Math is always the same, and (with most basic stuff) noncontroversial and not an opinion. You "know" that two of your fingers "added" to two other of your fingers "equals" four fingers in such a way that you are as "sure" about it as you can be about anything. Using math to describe the physical universe lends credibility, so that physics doesn't look like some wacky field of philosophy. Also, representative math problems can be solved while some puzzles in nature might be more difficult. Imagine physicists drawing pictures of rocks and light and shadows and things on a chalkboard instead of just showing each other agreed-upon math as it would necessarily be worked out by anyone educated in math.
Of course not. Certainly, you won't be bad at physics or engineering BECAUSE OF your math skills. You NEED math for physics, and both math and physics for engineering, so somebody who is not good at math is more likely to have trouble with physics or engineering.
No, but you can use physics to show students practical applications to the math that they are learning
No. A lot of physic has to do with equations and math. Physics will be easier if you are good at math. I was for me :)
Math will help, not hinder, you in this. You actually need a LOT of math, especially for physics and engineering.
math relates to everything you need math to get jobs. In physics, math is used to describe the physical word, for example math is used to determine force, energy, acceleration, and just about anything in physics.
yes a math teacher can teach physics
Of course not. Certainly, you won't be bad at physics or engineering BECAUSE OF your math skills. You NEED math for physics, and both math and physics for engineering, so somebody who is not good at math is more likely to have trouble with physics or engineering.
No; it is usually the other way round: math is used in physics.
You'll certainly not have difficulty in physics and engineering BECAUSE you are good at math or economics; math, especially, is important in physics.
Physics. basic physics.
physics is the conbination of formulas.
Mathematics is the language of physics. You cannot do well in physics unless you can handle the math. If you are excellent at math, you have a better chance of being very good or excellent in physics, too.
No, where do you get such weird ideas? You NEED math for physics and engineering!
No, that's ridiculous, physics involves math - as do most sciences.
No, but you can use physics to show students practical applications to the math that they are learning
No. A lot of physic has to do with equations and math. Physics will be easier if you are good at math. I was for me :)
explain the importance of physics technologies