Statistics makes possible the prediction of particular outcomes, in a large general area of interest, inferred from the analysis of data gathered from a relatively small sample of that general area. Using inference, reliable information is indirectly obtained. This method is important, not only in information technology, but in many other areas as well. Statistics is a very efficient way to obtain and use information
what is the importance of statistics?
You can apply statistics when examining efficiency, performance, or making prediction. This certainly has application within IT.
Statistics allow governmental entities to easily digest information. They can use that information to make new policies and determine if policies are working.
Statistics are used in geography to track locations and census information. This is important to know to see how different types of geography change.
importance of computer system in the study of statistics
uses of statistics in information technology
importance or need of information technology
what is the importance of statistics?
Statistics is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to make informed decisions. Information technology involves the use of computers and telecommunications to store, retrieve, and transmit data. Statistics plays a crucial role in information technology by providing insights into data patterns and trends, which helps in making data-driven decisions and improving IT systems and processes.
You can apply statistics when examining efficiency, performance, or making prediction. This certainly has application within IT.
importance of basic statistics
importance of statistics in trade
what are the importance of statistics to welding
Fit importance
appraise the importance of statistics to human activities
importance of statistics in field of economics