Stastics produce reliable information relative to project management as opposed to myths and rules of thumb that are developed more randomly and with less reliability. .,
what is the importance of statistics?
importance of computer system in the study of statistics
The importance of computer to engineering is quite versatile. It is used in project management, making drawings and illustrations, communication and so much more.
statistics is important as it helps in problem solving.
Importance of cost control in project management?
The importance of a project is determined by the objectives and the goals expected. The importance of the project will also influence the management controls that are to be put in place.
Cost Management is critical to Project Management. A project cannot be initiated with Cost Management not in place, since cost management is about estimating, budgeting, monitoring, and analyzing the cost information.
I think the question implies that you believe that Project Management is an evolution of normal, traditional management.Project Management is about a managing a project with a defined length (in time), cost, and specification. Project Management is said to be about 90% communications (thus the importance), as the Project Manager usually has to communicate to a lot of people (stakeholders, employees, etc...), in order to get his/her project done.
Statistics help managers understand trends that affect their business. With statistics, managers can justify making changes to policies and strategies.
Although project Management is a subset of both, quite often Construction Management can mean the same thing as Construction Project Management.
what is the importance of statistics?
The topic of project management is getting more attention lately because the importance of the position to the positive outcome of a project has been recognized.
Keep your butt from getting sued out of business or into jail.
importance of basic statistics
importance of statistics in trade
what are the importance of statistics to welding