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Using expanded words correctly reflects an understanding of grammar details

Expanded words are a significant part of good speaking and writing

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Q: What is the importance of using expanded words correctly?
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When using the words they and them you have to do so correctly. Both words are used a plurals and this can be difficult. Them is more likely to be the right word to use in a sentence.

Where can one find grammar rules for using the words was and were correctly?

One can find grammar rules for using the words was and were correctly by visiting the 'Quick and Dirty Tips' website. Grammar rules are also available on the 'Grammar Book' site.

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In mathematics, expanded words are the written forms of numbers. For example, the expanded words used for 1,231 are "one-thousand two-hundred thirty-one."

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your documents will not have misspelled words

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Expanded form means you write it out in words, so 5.34 in expanded form would be five point three four.

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You write in the numbers in words when you write in expanded.

How do you translate English words into German words?

By using an English to German dictionary ... The problem of doing translations this way is that the words may be correctly translated, but the grammar is likely to be incorrect. There are websites that will do translations, You can use Google to find these.

What is the definition of the word expanded?

The word expanded implies growth. Something that has enlarged, expanded or something that has broadened. Other words that could be used are extended or outspread.

What ia the benefit of a dictionary?

It tells you how to spell words correctly - such as benefit, not benifit :-) It also gives the exact meanings of words so that the user can be sure they are using the proper word in the proper place.