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The soap brand.

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Q: What is the independent variable of the brand of dish soap that is the sudsiest?
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A doctor grows some bacteria in a petri dish for several days which is the independent variable in this situation?

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What is the dependent variable and independent variable in color changing milk experiment?

In the color changing milk experiment, the dependent variable is the color of the milk (whether it changes or remains the same), which is affected by the independent variable, such as the addition of dish soap or food coloring.

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The dependent variable in a petri dish experiment could be the growth of microorganisms, the color change of a chemical reaction, or any other measurable outcome that changes in response to the independent variable being tested.

Is a petri dish a variable?

No, a petri dish is a piece of laboratory equipment used to culture cells, not a variable. Variables are factors that can change in an experiment and are used to test hypotheses.

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A controlled variable in a petri dish is a factor that is kept constant and unchanged throughout an experiment. This helps to ensure that any changes observed are a result of the manipulated variable being tested rather than other factors. Examples of controlled variables in a petri dish might include temperature, pH levels, or the type of nutrient media used.

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What effect does soap in water have on plants this is a project im doing and i need as much info as possible like give me the independent and dependent variable for this project aswell list it?

The plant will most likely die because of the chemicals in the dish detergent. This will be more pronounced in highly concentrations.

What is the diensity of dish soap?

The density of dish soap can vary depending on the brand and ingredients, but it is typically around 0.9 to 1.1 grams per milliliter.

What channel is ifc on Dish Network?

The Independent Film Channel is on channel 131 on DISH Network.

What is the use for a SKY Dish?

A SKY Dish is a brand name for the commonly known satellite dish. It acts as an antennae attached to a building to receive microwaves from satellites. In return it transmits broadcasts such as television or other data.