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The independent variable is the brand of diaper.

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Q: What is the independent variable of which diaper is more absorbe NT?
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What is the difference between independent and dependent variable?

In any (well designed) experiment, there is one variable that the experimenter can control that affects one (or more) variables. The variable that the experimenter changes is called the independent variable. On the other hand, the other variable is dependent on the other for its change. Therefore, it is the "dependent variable."

What is is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).

Can a experiment have more than one independent variable?

yes it can I've done a few experiments that have had more than one independant variable.

Is appeal or social class a more powerful independent variable?

Social Class is more powerful.

What should be the only independent variable?

In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.

Related questions

The variable which is deliberately changed in experiment?

The variable deliberately changed in an experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the dependent variable, which is the outcome or response being measured. By controlling and changing the independent variable, researchers can determine its influence on the dependent variable.

What does independent variables in science?

Hello, Well what you would be looking for is what an independent variable means. Assuming you understand what a variable is and a dependant variable is, here goes: An independant variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. Note you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment. An example is an experiment looking at the growth of trees in the Dark, in a dimly lit room and in the direct sun. The independant variable is the location of the experiment, because this is what is being changed. Simply: The Independent Variable is the variable that is independent and you change. The dependant variable is what changes when the independent variable changes. To conduct an experiment, you will have an independent variable and change that to see how the dependant variable changes with the independent one. Hope I Helped

What is a indepentent variable?

An independent variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment

What is the independent and dependent variable definitions?

The independent variable is the one factor that will be manipulate or changed during the experiment....The dependent variable is the variable that becomes altered as a result of the change that was made in the independent variable...

What variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment?

The variable of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment is called the independent variable... Thank you for letting me answer goodbye... ;)

What does mean level of the independent variable?

The mean level of the independent variable refers to the average value or level of the variable across all participants or cases in a study. It represents the central tendency of the independent variable within the sample.

What is an independent variable in a science fair projects?

An independent variable is the same thing as a test variable, so it is what you are testing. If you want to find out which chocolate is more fattening, you are TESTing to see if Hershey's or M&M's. You are TESTing the chocolate (to see which is more fattening)

What is the difference between independent and dependent variable?

In any (well designed) experiment, there is one variable that the experimenter can control that affects one (or more) variables. The variable that the experimenter changes is called the independent variable. On the other hand, the other variable is dependent on the other for its change. Therefore, it is the "dependent variable."

Variable is an experiment that is adjusted by the experimenters?

In scientific research, a variable is a factor that can be changed or manipulated by the researchers. Variables can be independent (adjusted by researchers) or dependent (affected by changes in independent variables). The manipulation of variables is essential for testing hypotheses and understanding cause-and-effect relationships.

What is the definition of idependent variable?

An independent variable is a part of an experiment that might change due to the outcome not being a desired result. The person conducting an experiment about how a medicine might affect a person, might change the number of people tested to gain more insight into the results. The independent variable in that situation would be the number of test subjects.

What is is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).

What should be the only independent variable?

In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.