yes it can I've done a few experiments that have had more than one independant variable.
In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.
There is no term other than independent variable.
It's what you change to do your experiment. Say your doing an experiment like my friend Kristen Maxine Rogers is doing: Does air temperature affect how long soap bubbles last, her independent variable would be the different temperatures.
Oh honey, the independent variable is the one you can control and manipulate, like a puppet master pulling the strings. The dependent variable is the one that sits back and gets affected by the independent variable's shenanigans, like a poor unsuspecting victim. So, in simpler terms, the independent variable is the cause, and the dependent variable is the effect.
A variable
The variable of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiment is called the independent variable... Thank you for letting me answer goodbye... ;)
Hello, Well what you would be looking for is what an independent variable means. Assuming you understand what a variable is and a dependant variable is, here goes: An independant variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. Note you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment. An example is an experiment looking at the growth of trees in the Dark, in a dimly lit room and in the direct sun. The independant variable is the location of the experiment, because this is what is being changed. Simply: The Independent Variable is the variable that is independent and you change. The dependant variable is what changes when the independent variable changes. To conduct an experiment, you will have an independent variable and change that to see how the dependant variable changes with the independent one. Hope I Helped
In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.
Flower color will be the independent variable in Dr. Proctor's experiment.
Flower color will be the independent variable in Dr. Proctor's experiment.
There are three kinds of variables in an experiment. The independent variable is what you change in the experiment. It is important that you have only one independent variable in your experiment. You would not be able to draw reliable conclusions from the experiment if you altered more than one experimental condition. The dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment. Unlike the independent variable, an experiment can have more than one dependent variable because variations in the independent variable can have many different effects. For example, you might measure length of leaves and weight of roots to assess the growth of radish plants. Dependent variables can include amounts as well as amount data. Such data cannot be measured but is still useful when you describe and compare it.
An independent variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment
Actually, you have two - dependent and independent. But, you only have one variable because otherwise the answer wouldn't be accurate if you had more than one variable.
False. A well-designed experiment can have more than one independent variable if the relationship between them needs to be studied. However, controlling for multiple independent variables can increase the complexity of the experimental design and analysis.
There are 3 different variable. The independent variable is what you will be changing in the experiment and there should only be one. The dependent variable is what you will be measuring or observing. The controlled variable is what you will be keeping the same and there can be more than one. There is no limit on how many controlled variables you can have.
Yes, an experiment can have more than one dependent variable. This may be necessary when studying the effects of an intervention or treatment on multiple outcomes or behaviors. Researchers need to carefully consider how each dependent variable is related to the independent variable and how they will measure and analyze these relationships.
A dependent variable is a factor in an experiment that is influenced by another factor. An example might help to clarify. You are performing an experiment in which you are observing how sunlight affects plant height. Plant height is the dependent variable because it is dependent upon how much sunlight the plant receives. Sunlight is an example of an independent variable. It is not influenced by anything in this experiment, but may be changed to observe its effect on the dependent variable. It is possible to have more than one dependent variable in an experiment, but only one independent variable.