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Q: What is the independent variable on a bar graph?
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When do you use a line graph and when do you use a bar graph?

Bar graphs are used when graphing a qualitative independent variable, but a line graph is used when the independent variable is quantitative. Also when you are comparing quantity of objects(bar graph)

When do you use a line graph and when do you use a line graph?

Bar graphs are used when graphing a qualitative independent variable, but a line graph is used when the independent variable is quantitative. Also when you are comparing quantity of objects(bar graph)

Which type of graph is best for analyzing quantitative dependent and independent variable?

A scatter graph.

How do you know when to use a bar graph?

You would use a bar graph is useful when the independent variable (x-variable) is categorical. But there are no hard and fast rules. If it conveys the relevant information effectively then use it and if not don't.

Where are the Dependent and independent variable placed on a graph?

Dependent variable take on X-axis and independent variable take on Y-axis in a graph.

What is a bar graph?

A bar graph is an alternative term for a bar chart, a graph in the form of boxes of different heights, with each box representing a different value or category of data, and the heights representing frequencies.

In a line graph which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?

The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.

In a graph what is the variable on the horizontal axis?

Independent Variable c:

What graph graph indicates that there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?

a graph of the independent variable and dependant that shows a graph with a fixed gradient (I.E a line graph) The equation of the graph will be given by y = mx +c where m is the gradient and c is a constant

On which axis of a graph should the independent variable be graphed?

the independent variable goes on the x-axis the dependent goes on the y-axis

What is an axis in an independent variable in a Line graph?

Typically the horizontal axis represents the independent variable.

Where do you place the independent variable on a line graph?

The independent variable is typically placed on the x-axis.