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Q: What is the indicated measure of Q3 given the sample data 49 52 52 52 74 67 55 55?
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What is the use of median?

It is a statistical measure that helps you understand the sample/population data.

What does the standard error mean?

For a sample of data it is a measure of the spread of the observations about their mean value.

Example of the difference between a parameter and a statistic?

perameter is a measure of population or universe, statistic is a measure of a sample data drawn from population

What is dependent sample?

Data gathering in two different samples such that there is matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample.

How To Determine Sample Size?

I've included a couple of links. Statistical theory can never tell you how many samples you must take, all it can tell you the expected error that your sample should have given the variability of the data. Worked in reverse, you provide an expected error and the variability of the data, and statistical theory can tell you the corresponding sample size. The calculation methodology is given on the related links.

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How is the process of determining percentiles different if you were given a sample mean rather than individual raw score?

It is impossible to determine the percentiles if you are given only the sample mean since percentiles are a measure of the spread of the data; the mean gives no information on that.

What is the use of median?

It is a statistical measure that helps you understand the sample/population data.

What does the standard error mean?

For a sample of data it is a measure of the spread of the observations about their mean value.

What does 99.6 percentile mean?

A 99.6 percentile means that 99.6% of the data in the sample is at or below the data point given.

Example of the difference between a parameter and a statistic?

perameter is a measure of population or universe, statistic is a measure of a sample data drawn from population

Is the data is sample or population?

Data is neither sample nor population. Data are collected for attributes. These can be for a sample or a population.

What is dependent sample?

Data gathering in two different samples such that there is matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample.

How To Determine Sample Size?

I've included a couple of links. Statistical theory can never tell you how many samples you must take, all it can tell you the expected error that your sample should have given the variability of the data. Worked in reverse, you provide an expected error and the variability of the data, and statistical theory can tell you the corresponding sample size. The calculation methodology is given on the related links.

What is an dependent value?

there is a matching of the first sample data drawn and a corresponding data value in the second sample data.

What does the measure of central trendency tell us about the data?

In general when you take a sample of values of a random variable you will find that those values lie around some central value that is characteristic of the total population for the random variable. A measure of central tendancy (such as a sample mean, sample mode or sample median) is a statistic which is intended to estimate the central value of the population using the values in the sample in some way.

Why is standard deviation a better measure of dispersion than variance?

Because it is in same units as the original data. For example, if you have a sample of lengths, all in centimetres, the sample variance will be in units of centrimetres2 which might be more difficult to interpret but the sample standard deviation with be in units of centimetres, which would be relatively easy to intepret with reference to the data.

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