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Q: What is the integers of 80 degrees below zero?
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What is 80 degrees Fahrenheit in integers?

80 degrees Fahrenheit can be represented as the integer 80.

Is -70 Fahrenheit colder than -80 Fahrenheit?

No, -80 F is 10 degrees colder than -70 F because it is farther below zero.

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They live in the Arctic, you idiot. Of course they can survive the cold.

What continent is found below 20 degrees south and between 40 degrees and 80 degrees west?

What continent is found below 20 S. end between 40 and 80 W.

What is Alaska's average temperature in the winter?

Average winter minimums in this area are 20 to 30 degrees below zero. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Alaska was minus 80 degrees at Prospect Creek.It varies thoughout Alaska.

What is locates at 80 degrees south latitude and zero degrees longitude?

At 80 degrees south latitude and zero degrees longitude lies the Geographic South Pole, which is the southernmost point on Earth. This location marks the point where the Earth's axis intersects its surface.

Is f in temperature cold or hot?

F means "Fahrenheit". It is how we measure. Below F means below "Fahrenheit". C means "Celsius". That is not colder, it is just saying it is. Below Celsius is the same as Fahrenheit. Say it is 80 Degrees F, and 80 Degrees C. C is definitely is much much hotter. Because they have the same degrees does not mean they are the same. When they are the same degrees C is hotter all the time. Those are numbers, like 80/80. However, if it was 80 Degrees F and 20 degrees C; C is much much colder. I hope I explained it okay. Oh, if it is below that means below 0. That's also when there is a negative (-) sign on the number. -80 Below F and -80 Below C is like below, only C is colder. Weird how math is, huh?

What does below 80 degrees celsius convert to in Fahrenheit?

-80 deg C = -112 deg F

What is alaskas coldest temperature?

Alaska's lowest temperature came on February 3, 1947 when the station at Prospect Hill recorded a low of - 80 degrees F or -62.2 degrees C . It was minus 80 degrees F.

How hot does it get in antarctica in summer?

Antarctica can get up to maybe 48Negetive F. But other wise than that it mostly stays in 80's and 90's below zero!

What was the lowest temperature in Alaksa ever?

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Alaska was -80 degrees Fahrenheit (-62.2 degrees Celsius) in Prospect Creek on January 23, 1971.

Four consecutive odd integers have a sum 80 what is the least of these integers?

17 , 19 , 21 and 23 are the odd integers whose sum is 80 and the least integer is 17