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It is a measure of the likelihood of a specified event occurring in an experiment.

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Q: What is the interpretation of probability?
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Are the historical events which have occurred extremely unlikely and what history has a higher probability of occurring?

Historical events which have occurred have a probability of 1. They are a certainty. This refers to the event itself, not some historian's or politician's interpretation of what happened. However, the probability that they will occur again depends on the event. Exact recurrence is impossible (probability = 0).

Frequency approach for probability?

Well, that's not much of a question. Perhaps you are asking: What is the frequency interpretation of probability? This is called the classical interpretation of probability. Given n independent and identical trials with m occurrences of of a particular outcome, then the probability of this outcome, is equal to the limit of m/n as n goes to infinity. If you are asking: How can probabilities be estimated given data, based on frequency approach? A table is constructed, with intervals, and the number of events in each interval is calculated. The number of events divided by the total number of data is the relative frequency and an estimate of probability for the particular interval.

What is unimodal curve?

a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters

How would one intreprete a p value of 0.000?

Probability = 0 can be interpreted as an outcome that can not occur after infinite independent trials. A relative frequency (also termed an empirical or experimental probability) of zero, even after a large number of trials, can not have the same interpretation. If, after say a million trials, a particular outcome has not occurred, the correct interpretation based solely on the data, is that the outcome is highly unlikely to occur, but not impossible. The conclusion of "impossible to occur" and "highly unlikely to occur" are mutually exclusive conclusions. If an event is highly unlikely to occur, then there exists a probability > 0 of occurring, and after infinite trials, this event must occur.

What does it mean to find the compliment of the probability of an event?

The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.The complement (not compliment) of the probability of event A is 1 minus the probability of A: that is, it is the probability of A not happening or "not-A" happening.

What is the probability of rolling a 7 with one roll of standard number cube?

The probability is 0.The probability is 0.The probability is 0.The probability is 0.

What is the probability of getting 4 of a kind given 13 cards from a deck of card?

The probability is 1.The probability is 1.The probability is 1.The probability is 1.

Is 1.001 a probability?

No 1.001 is not a probability. Probability can not be >1

If a coin is tossed 5 times what is the probability of getting tails no more then 2 times?

The probability is 0.5The probability is 0.5The probability is 0.5The probability is 0.5

If the odds against an event are 9.8 find the probability that the event will occur?

Odds against A = Probabillity against A / Probability for A Odds against A = (1 - Probabillity for A) / Probability for A 9.8 = (1 - Probabillity for A) / Probability for A 9.8 * Probability for A = 1 - Probability for A 10.8 * Probability for A = 1 Probability for A = 1 / 10.8 Probability for A = 0.0926

How do you do probability saying no?

For any event A, Probability (not A) = 1 - Probability(A)

What happens to the probability of observing a t-random variable between -2 and 2 as you increase the degrees of freedom?

The probability increases.The probability increases.The probability increases.The probability increases.