The inverse of multiplication is division, such that:
8 x 9 = 72
72 / 9 = 8
72 / 8 = 9.
Mult. inverse of 2 is 1/2, mult inverse of 14 is 1/14, mult inverse of 214 is 1/214
The multiplicative inverse means, what do I multiply my number by to get an answer of 1? ex: The multiplicative inverse of 5 is 1/5. 5 * (1/5) = 1 If your number is a fraction to begin with, flip it over. ex: The mult. inverse of 22/7 is 7/22 (22/7)*(7/22) = 1
mult by 16
you just mult
Mult. inverse of 2 is 1/2, mult inverse of 14 is 1/14, mult inverse of 214 is 1/214
The multiplicative inverse means, what do I multiply my number by to get an answer of 1? ex: The multiplicative inverse of 5 is 1/5. 5 * (1/5) = 1 If your number is a fraction to begin with, flip it over. ex: The mult. inverse of 22/7 is 7/22 (22/7)*(7/22) = 1
butter mult
mult by 16
factor times factor is product
Even digits.
you just mult