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Q: What is the job called when you want to make plane parts in the airforce?
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What are the functions of a airliner planes parts?

Basically, Wings provide lift to fly Elevators make the plane point(fly) up and down. Ailerons make the plane bank. The rudder turns the nose of the plane.

What are the anatomical position planes of reference?

You have three such planes. First is sagittal plane. Sagitta means arrow. So this vertical plane enters your body like and arrow. It divides your body in two equal parts. Then you have a coronal plane at right angle to this plane. It divides your body into anterior and posterior parts. Then you have a transverse plane to make your body into two parts. That is upper and lower parts, when you stand erect.

How do you get a cessna RC?

They are discontinued.but They still make the parts for it. The only way you can by the plane is if someone has one for sale.

What is an incline plane wrapped around called?

An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder is called a screw.

What is a pattern of plane figures folded to make a geometric model called?

A net.

What is planing with wood?

Planing is making wood smooth. There is a tool called a plane that has a blade in it to scrape the wood to make it smooth. People use a plane to make a door slightly shorter.

What are the flaps on an airplane called?

They are quite literally called flaps, and they make the plane go up, down, left and right.

When you make a word to remember parts of a definition what is it called?


What is it called to make a whole into parts?

It is to change the whole into fractions

What is planing?

The plane in which the reactive gyroscipic couple acts is called the gyroscopic plane

The wright brothers used parts from to assistin the making their plane fly?

My answer is that the Wright brothers used parts from bicycles to make the airplanes as they used to make bicycles in their Ohio shop. I can think of several other answers. The question is a little vague to me.

What expansion pack is the plane in sims 2?

None, but you can download the parts from sims 2 sites like You can also type in "how to make a plane in sims 2" on youtube and there is a really helpful.From Cherena