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Q: What is the label measuring a variable called?
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What is the variable measuring the result of an experiment?

Dependent variable!!

What is the part of a experiment that can be changed called?

the thing you change is the dependant variable - it's thing that DEPENDS on the thing your measuring. (independant variable) eg - if you change the length of the wire and measure the voltage after each 10cm, the independant variable (measuring) is the voltage, the dependant variable (changing) is the length of the wire, and the control variable (keeping the same) can be the material of the wire, the batteries etc. you get the point.hope that helped...

Independent variable in measuring heart rate?

Time is the independent variable.

What do you label on the x axis?

the independent variable

Is perception a discreet or continuous variable?

It would depend what aspect of perception you are measuring and how you are measuring it.

How do we determine the dimension of the label of the measurement of an object?

By measuring it

In a line graph which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?

The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.

In a chart showing the population of various countries the label US would be an example of an independent variable.?

No, the label US is a lable for one particular value of the independent variable which is "country".

What is an across variable?

An across variable is a variable whose value is determined by measuring a difference of the values at the two extreme points of an element.

In algebra I what is the input variable called?

The input variable is called the independent variable, and the ouput variable is called the dependent variable.

What is the input variable called in algebra?

the input variable is called the independent variable and the output variable is called the dependent variable.