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The largest number with 5 digits is 9999999999/14=7142.785714285714

take all the nos before the decimal point

7142 * 14 = 99988

so 99988 is the largest number with 5 digits that is divisible by 14.

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Q: What is the largest 5 digit number which is divisible by 14?
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Is 95 is divisible by 9?

No. To be divisible by 9 the sum of the digits must also be divisible by 9. As the sum must be divisible by 9, the check can also be applied to the sum; so keep summing until a single digit remains, then if, and only if, this single digit is 9 is the original number divisible by 9 (the single digit gives the remainder when the original number is divided by 9 and is known as the digital root of the number). For 95: 95 → 9 + 5 = 14 14 → 1 + 4 = 5 5 ≠ 9 → 95 is not divisible by 9. (The remainder when 95 is divided by 9 is 5).

What is the divisible rule for 7?

To discover whether a number is divisible by 7, double the last digit of the number, and subtract it from the rest of the number. If the result is either 0 or divisible by 7, then the number is divisible by 7. For example:672 - last digit is 2, double 2 to make 4, subtract from 67 equals 63, 63/7 = 9, therefore, 672 is divisible by 7.Dividing by 7 (2 Tests)Take the last digit in a number.Double and subtract the last digit in your number from the rest of the digits.Repeat the process for larger numbers.Example: 357 (Double the 7 to get 14. Subtract 14 from 35 to get 21 which is divisible by 7 and we can now say that 357 is divisible by 7. NEXT TESTTake the number and multiply each digit beginning on the right hand side (ones) by 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5. Repeat this sequence as necessaryAdd the products.If the sum is divisible by 7 - so is your number.Example: Is 2016 divisible by 7?6(1) + 1(3) + 0(2) + 2(6) = 2121 is divisible by 7 and we can now say that 2016 is also divisible by 7.