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Q: What is the largest angle a projectile can be launched?
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What projectile spends more time in the air?

A projectile that is launched at a lower initial velocity but at a higher angle will spend more time in the air compared to one launched at a higher velocity but at a lower angle. This is because the projectile launched at a higher angle will have a longer time of flight as it reaches a higher altitude.

At what launch angle or angles will the projectile land at half of its maximum possible range?

The half maximum range of a projectile is launched at an angle of 15 degree

Is it true that a projectile launched into space at any angle will have a constant horizontal velocity?

Yes, in the absence of air resistance, a projectile launched into space at any angle will have a constant horizontal velocity. This is because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile once it is launched.

What are the three cases of projectile motion?

The three cases of projectile motion are when the object is launched horizontally, launched at an angle, or thrown vertically. Each case follows the same principles of motion but with variations in the initial velocity and angle of launch.

What is the angle for maxium altitude?

A baseball, cannonball, or other projectile launched at a 45° angle above the horizon will achieve maximum horizontal range. A projectile launched straight up will achieve maximum altitude, but you kind of have to watch it and be careful when it returns.

What is half projectile?

A half projectile refers to the projectile motion of an object where it is launched at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. This angle maximizes the range of the projectile for a given initial velocity, making it travel the furthest distance before hitting the ground. The path of the projectile is a parabolic curve.

A cannon ball launched out of a cannon at an angle into the air is an example of?

projectile motion.two-dimensional motion.

A projectile upward at an angle of 75degree from the horizontal and strikes the ground a certain distance down range.For what other angle of launch ath the same speed wouldthis projectile land just a?

For the projectile to land at the same distance with the same initial speed, it must be launched at an angle of 15 degrees from the horizontal. This is because the range of a projectile is maximized when launched at a 45-degree angle. So, launching at 15 degrees in the opposite direction of 75 degrees should bring the projectile to the same landing point.

Can the path of an objects projectile motion depend on catapults angle?

Yes, the path of an object's projectile motion can depend on the angle of a catapult. Changing the angle at which the object is launched from the catapult would alter the initial velocity and direction of the projectile, affecting its trajectory and resulting in a different path.

What is the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile?

The horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is determined by the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it was launched, and the time of flight. It can be calculated using the equation: horizontal distance = (initial velocity * time * cosine of launch angle).

What are five factors that can influence the angle of release of a projectile?

Launch velocity: A higher launch velocity can result in a larger angle of release for a projectile. Launch height: The height from which the projectile is launched can impact the angle of release. Air resistance: Air resistance can affect the trajectory of a projectile and therefore the angle of release. Gravity: The force of gravity influences the path of a projectile, affecting the angle of release. Wind conditions: Wind speed and direction can alter the angle of release needed for a projectile to reach its target.

What is the initial direction on the projectile's velocity?

The initial direction of a projectile's velocity is typically determined by the angle at which it is launched relative to the horizontal plane. This angle will influence both the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity.