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That's called a "great circle" of the sphere.

-- It's any circle whose center is at the center of the sphere.

-- Its diameter is equal to the diameter of the sphere.

-- Its area is equal to 1/4 the surface area of the sphere.

-- The shortest distance between any two points on the sphere is

along the piece of the great circle on which they lie. (There's only

one, unless the two points are the opposite ends of a diameter.)

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Q: What is the largest circle that can be drawn around a sphere such as a globe?
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What circle is the largest circle that can be drawn around a sphere such as a globe?

general astronomy

What is a great cicle?

Much bigger and better than a regular circle... But seriously, a great circle on a sphere is a circle that runs along the surface of that sphere and cuts it into two equal halves. It is the largest circle that can be drawn on a given sphere. The center of any great circle is the center of the sphere.

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A sphere is a three dimentional shape, a circle is a two dimentional shape. You can't pick up a circle, it can only be drawn. In differential geometry, a one dimensional sphere is a point, a two dimensional sphere is a circle and a three dimensional sphere is what we call a "sphere", there is no limit to the number of dimensions a sphere can have.

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