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Q: What is the largest dimension of which you have personal knowledge?
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Validate information as a key resource and describe both personal and organization dimension?

Information is a key resource as it provides the knowledge necessary for decision-making and problem-solving. In a personal dimension, information helps individuals stay informed, learn new skills, and make informed choices. In an organizational dimension, information enables efficient operations, strategic planning, innovation, and competitive advantage.

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The largest dimension that the Mustek can reproduce is 11.7 by 17 inches (297 X 432 mm).

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At our present state of knowledge, no.

What is the artistic dimension of life?

a personal expression of relaxation and utopia

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What is personal dimension?

The religious experiences/feelings one experiences themself.

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Mangling of the English language. Please repost

What is personal knowledge?

Personal knowledge is something that a person knows from first hand knowledge. It is not something that one has heard, or thinks, it is what someone knows for a fact.

What do you mean by gross diameter of bolt?

This would be concidered the largest diameter,dimension of a bolt.

Is the width is the largest dimension of an object?

By convention width is the smaller dimension of a rectangle; however, it does not need to be - particularly when talking about rectangular windows, the width can be more or less than the height, making it the larger or smaller (as appropriate) dimension.

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answers based on your knowledge, experience, and personal values