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Q: What is the largest integer value that can be represented in Python?
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0xffffffffffffffff As an unsigned 64-bit integer, this represents the value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. However, as a signed 64-bit integer, this only represents the value -1. The signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 making 0x7fffffffffffffff the largest possible positive value, and 0x8000000000000000 the smallest possible negative value.

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Largest in the sense that it is of greatest value? -1

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Yes, -1 is the integer with the highest value on the negative side.

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-52x <= 7 (-52x)/(-52) >= 7/(-52) {divide both sides by -52, and reverse the inequality when dividing by a negative. x >= -7/52 There is no largest integer value for x. If the question was ... greater than or equal to ... then the solution would be x <= -7/52, and the largest integer value would be -1.

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How do you get the absolute value of positive integer?

The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.

What is the greatest integer less than -4?

The greatest integer that is less than -4 is -5. -5 is next largest integer, even though it has the smallest absolute value for the set of number <-4. This is because the less negative a value is, the greater it is, even though it's numeric component '5' is not the largest.

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1.157920892 x 1077 (rounded)

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The smallest value is -32,768 and the maximum is 32,767