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integer = input("Please input an integer greater than 0: ")


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Oscar Zhou

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Q: Write a line of code that asks the python user to input an integer greater than 0 and store this value in a variable and display its value?
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How do you modify strings so that they are accepted as variable names when programming in Python?

You can use the exec statement in Python to create variables from strings. For example, exec("a = 100") creates a variable named a with a value of 100.

How do you decrement on python?

-= Example: variable = 5 variable -= 2 will out put 5

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Use a character variable. For example: plus = '+' minus = '-' You can now refer to these symbols using the variable names "plus" or "minus".

How do I convert a string to an integer in python?

1.>>> x=input("enter data: ")2.enter data: 253.>>> type(x)4.5.>>> y = int(x)6.>>> type(y)7.I used Python 3.0 for this.Else for earlier version, to accept string type input, u should be using "raw_input" instead of "input" only.I made python accept a data and tested its type, which return to be a string (line 4).Then I usedint()to convert the string into a number, which, for testing purpose, I assigned the value to a variable y. (line 5)Testing the type of data that variable y stores, confirms that the string type was converted to an integer type.(line 7)

What is the difference between strings and lists in Python?

They have different methods, and they display differently when printed.

How do you define Y as 1 and N as 0 in Python?

I suspect that you mean that you want to define constants, which is not possible in Python. Any variable can be rebound to something else at any time.

What is a variable used for in Python?

A variable is used to store information. As an example say you are asking someone for their favorite food, and want to store the answer in a variable called favoriteFood: favoriteFood = input("What is your favorite food?") Now if you print the value of favoriteFood (using print(FavoriteFood)) you will see that it has been saved in that variable. You can store any type in a variable, such as number, a string, or even an object.

What is optional for python programming?

One optional part of python programming is the declaration of variables before use. In many languages, you must declare your variables before using them, but in python, you can simply set a variable equal to something and it will handle the type without your help.

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a = 0while a < 10 :a += 1print (a)Write the above simple script in a text editor (I use nano). Save as in home folder. To run, open a terminal and at the prompt, write: python loop.pyResult:rodney@downstairs:~$ python loop.py12345678910

What Are The Differences Between Java And Python Variables Declaration?

You cannot declare a variable in Python without assigning some value to it. This is simply because a variable's type is inferred from the type of value that you assign to it. a = "hello world" # a is a string b = 42 # b is an integer c = 3.14 # c is a float d = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] # d is an integer array In Java, all variable declarations must explicitly include a type even when declared with an initial value. The initial value, when given, must be of the same type or of a type that is covariant with the variable's type. String a = "hello world"; int b = 42; double c = 3.14 int[] d = {4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42} Note that local variables in Java that are declared but not assigned a value are considered "uninitialised". You must assign a value to all local variables before using them. Instance variables (members of a class) are always initialised. That is; numeric types have an initial value of zero, Boolean types are false and object references are null.

How do you declare variables and constants.explain with example?

Depends on the programming language you are using. I will give two simple examples. In Command Prompt and when creating a batch file, you declare a variable by entering the "set" command. You can use different switches to change the type of variable you are declaring. /p makes the variable able to accept user input. /a makes the variable a numerical expression. In Python, you declare a variable just by stating the name of the variable and its value. x = value.

What does the print command do in Python?

The print command is a way to display output to the console. The hello world program, for example, can be written in python as simply print("Hello world") Other values can also be used in a print statement: a = 4 print(a) #will print the number 4