Zero degrees longitude
The greatest number of degrees anyone can be from the prime meridian is 180 degrees. This is because the prime meridian itself is located at 0 degrees longitude, and the maximum longitude value is 180 degrees both east and west. Therefore, any location can be a maximum of 180 degrees away from the prime meridian.
89 degrees
55 degrees north longitude.
Continent: Antarctica Country: Australia (no joke) City: Casey station Latitude: 66.17 degrees south Longitude: 35 degrees east
The largest latitude is +90 degrees (North Pole) and -90 degrees (South Pole). The largest longitude is +180 degrees (international date line) and -180 degrees (same meridian on the other side of the globe).
Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, with its longitude of 29°55′E.
That's hard to say, since the largest possible longitude, east or west, is 180 degrees.
Zero degrees longitude
Kenya is the capital and largest city in Nairobi, Africa. Kenya's latitude and Longitude are 1. 2667 degrees South and 36,8000 degrees East.
The latitude and longitude of colonial Manchester is about 43 degrees North and 71.5 degrees West. Today, Manchester is the largest city in New Hampshire.
The largest community, Honolulu, is the state capital. The image is located at 21.5 degrees north latitude and 158 degrees west longitude.
Gotland, the largest island in the Baltic Sea.
Longitude has a minimum of -180 (west of the prime meridian) and a maximum of 180 (east of the prime meridian). -180 and 180 are the same line, approached from opposite directions. 0 degrees of longitude runs through London, England and is called the "prime meridian."
Longitude measures the angular distance east or west of the prime meridian, which is at 0 degrees longitude. It ranges from 0 to 180 degrees east and 0 to 180 degrees west. The total number of possible longitudes is thus 360 degrees.
Longitude is the number of degrees east or west along a line of latitude from the prime meridian.
The great Victoria Desert the largest desert in southwestern Australia. It is 134,653 square miles and has a latitude and longitude of 29.1522 degrees S, 129.2596 degrees E.