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Zero degrees longitude

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Q: What number in degrees measures the prime meridian?
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What is the name of the line that measures 0 degrees longitude?

It is the Prime Meridian

What is the definition of a Prime Meridaian?

The prime meridian is the longitude (vertical) line that measures 0 degrees.

What is the greatest number of degrees anyone can be from the prime meridian?

The greatest number of degrees anyone can be from the prime meridian is 180 degrees. This is because the prime meridian itself is located at 0 degrees longitude, and the maximum longitude value is 180 degrees both east and west. Therefore, any location can be a maximum of 180 degrees away from the prime meridian.

What degree is the prime meridian at?

The Prime Meridian is at zero degrees longitude and every possible latitude.

What degree longitude is the prime meridian?

its either 180 degrees latitude, 0 degrees latitude, or 0 degrees longitudethe answer is 0 degrees

What is the name of the meridian that is located at 0 longitude?

The prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude.

What is a line of longitude that measures zero?

The line of longitude that measures zero is the Prime Meridian, located at 0 degrees. It serves as the starting point for measuring longitude and divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

What is the degree of measure for the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian is zero degrees longitude.

Would the prime Meridian of 0 degrees be a statement of longitude or latitude?

The prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude.

What is prime meridian degrees?

longitudeO degrees.

Is prime meridian at 0 degrees latitude 0 degrees longitude or 180 degrees latitude?

The prime meridian is a line at 0 degrees longitude.

What sHows is distance in degrees east and west of the equator?

Longitude measures the distance in degrees east and west of the Prime Meridian, which is the starting point for calculating longitudes. It ranges from 0° at the Prime Meridian to 180° east and 180° west from the Prime Meridian, meeting at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean.