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Q: What is the largest positive value that you can represent with 16 bits?
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What is the largest positive number you can represent literally ie. as an immediate value within an LC-3 ADD instruction?

There are 5 bits in the immediate value for an LC-3 ADD, but the first bit is needed for the sign representation. The answer is 15.

What is the largest positive signed decimal number that can be represented by 8-bits?

If the 8 bits represent a signed number, the range is usually -128 to +127. This is -27 to 27-1.

What is the largest value that can be stored in 64 bits represented in hexadecimal?

0xffffffffffffffff As an unsigned 64-bit integer, this represents the value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. However, as a signed 64-bit integer, this only represents the value -1. The signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 making 0x7fffffffffffffff the largest possible positive value, and 0x8000000000000000 the smallest possible negative value.

How many bits are needed to represent decimal value ranging from 0 to 12500?

how many bits are needed to represent decimal values ranging from 0 to 12,500?

What is the minimum number of bits required to represent the following decimal number 101000?

17 bits would allow a value up to 131071.

What is the Largest 16 bit number?

1111111111111111 (216 - 1 = 65535)

What is the largest number that can be made with 6 bits?

Well, honey, with 6 bits, you can represent numbers from 0 to 63. So, technically speaking, the largest number you can make with 6 bits is 63. Don't go expecting any bigger miracles with just 6 bits, darling.

What number representation has the sign as the high order bit and the remaining bits represent the absolute value of the numeric value?

signed magnitude

What is the largest decimal number that a two byte integer can represent?

There are 8 bits in a byte, so a two byte integer would be 16 bits. The largest 16 bit integer possible would be 11111111111111112, which is 65535 in base 10.

What would the largest value in 8 bits be in binary?

The largest possible value using 8 bits in binary is actually quite simple. Binary is a numerical system that only uses 2 numbers (1 and 0) to determine value. Our system is decimal. (0-9) Now, a 'bit' is one number from the binary system. It can either be 1 or 0. So, 8 bits means using 8 digits in binary. 1 is greater than 0, so the largest value is 11111111. (8 'one's)

What is the largest decimal number that can be stored using 8 bits?

11111111; 255 or 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128=255 Answer 255 There are 8 bits in a byte when all are set to zero (turned off) then the value is 0. When all of the bits in a byte are set to 1 (turned on) you get the largest value that a byte holds which is 255.

What is the largest decimal value that can be represented in binary using two bytes?

11b which is 1*2 + 1*1 = 3 would be for two bits. But a byte is 8 bits, so 2 bytes is 16 bits. The largest binary number is [2^16 - 1], which is 65535 (base ten)