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Q: What is the leading digit in a decimal less than 1?
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Is a four digit decimal less than a three digit decimal?

Not necessarily.

Is .2 less than .15?

Compare the first digit after the decimal point. Which is less?

What is the least three digit decimal less than 1?

How about: 0.001 or 0.01

What is thr least 3 digit decimal less than 1?


How do you round 4.832 to two decimal places?

4.832 rounded to two decimal places is 4.83 because the digit of 2 is less than the digit of 5

Round 7.37 to 1 decimal place?

If the last digit in 7.37 is less than 5, then remove the last digit. One Decimal Place Rule #2: If the last digit in 7.37 is 5 or more and the second to the last digit in 7.37 is less than 9, then remove the last digit and add 1 to the second to the last digit.

What decimal is greater than 24.07 and less than 24.075?

Any decimal that starts 2.07 and the next digit (thousandths) is 0-4, and if the thousandths digit is 0, is followed by a non-zero digit at some stage. eg 2.07000000000000000000000000000000000001, 2.074999999999999999, 2.074 are all greater than 2.07 and less than 2.075

Is a decimal a fraction that is greater than one?

No. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. It can be greater than, equal to or less than 1.

Is 0.2 less than 0.9?

Yes, 0.2 is less than 0.9. In decimal notation, the value of a digit is determined by its position relative to the decimal point. The further to the right a digit is, the smaller its value. In this case, 0.2 has a smaller value than 0.9 because the 2 is in a smaller decimal place than the 9.

What is 4.472135955 to 2 decimal places?

It is: 4.47 because the digit 2 is less than 54.47

Why 1.05 is less than 1.5?

Since the integer part is equal, compare the first digit after the decimal point. Which is less?

What does the word unit mean in math?

the digit before the decimal point in decimal notation, representing an integer less than ten.