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Q: What is the least count of meter rod in meter?
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What is the least count of half meter rod?

The least count of a half meter rod is 0.5 cm. This means that the rod can be measured in increments of 0.5 cm, allowing for precise measurements.

What is vernier micrometer least count in inch?

micro meter least count in British system

What is the least count of a meter rod in mm?

The smallest division is 1mm (one milli metre). There 1000 divisions of 1mm in a 1 m (one metre) rule.

What is the smallest unit of measurement in a meter stick?

Least count is the smallest form of measurement that a specific measuring instrument can accurately measure by. So meter stick uses 1m and 100cm and 1000mm. Thus mm is the least count for a meter stick.

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Least count in meter ruler?

The least count of a standard meter ruler is typically 1 millimeter. This means that the smallest distance that can be measured accurately on the ruler is 1 millimeter.

What is micro meter least count?

Generally least count of micrometer varies instrument to instrument.. But common micrometers which are used in institute level laboratories have least count of 0.0001mm

What is the least count of a half meter scale?

The least count of a half meter scale is 0.5 cm. This means that the smallest measurement that can be accurately obtained using the scale is 0.5 cm.

What is the least count of the meter scale?

If you mean the metric subdivisions, I suggest you search for "SI prefixes". Some extremely small prefixes are used, but they would normally not be used in your daily life for measuring lengths. The smallest divisions that are normally marked on a meter scale are the millimeters.

What measurement can go into a meter rod 100 times?

There are 100 centimeters in a meter.

What is least count scale?

least count of scale is 1mm

How many 3 meter lengths of rod is there in 7800 FEET?

792.5 three-meter lengths.