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I'm pretty sure that would be, 0.55555. But it could also be .00005. Don't take my word for it. I have used no sources but what I already know.

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Q: What is the least five-digit decimal number less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 5 and 7 only?
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What is the least five decimal number less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 5 and 7 only?

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A whole number is any number that is not a fraction, decimal, or mixed number. A nonzero whole number is the same, except that it doesn't equal zero.

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Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude.

Is a decimal number with two digits is sometimes equal to a decimal number with three digits?

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