The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
It will contain at least 12 digits
99999 and 100000
The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.
The least whole number with 6 digits, since 100000 > 99999
The greatest whole number with 5 digits is 99,999. The next greater whole number is 100,000, which is the least whole number having 6 digits.
It will contain at least 12 digits
99999 and 100000
When multiplying numbers with different numbers of significant digits, the result should have the same number of significant digits as the least precise measurement. Count the number of significant digits in each number, perform the multiplication as usual, and then round the result to the least number of significant digits used in the calculation.
Integers of 6 digits are normally greater than integers of 5 digits
It is: 4001