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Q: What is the least number of points that cannot be contained in just one plane?
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Related questions

What is the least number of points you need to make a line?

2 points

Is s three is the least number of points that can be used to define a plane?

yes, three points in the least number of points that can be used to define a plane. if you used two points you would only have a line, and one point is a point

What is the least and maximum number of lines obtainable with 7 points?

depends on the position of the points if points are collinear, we have just only one line, the minimum number. If points are in different position (if any of the two points are not collinear) we have 21 lines (7C2), the maximum number of lines.

If you scored 16 22 and 24 points in 3 basketball games what is the least number of points you must score in the next game to average at least 20 points per game for the four games?

18 pts

A line contains at least?

{| |- | A line is defined by naming at least two points. It contains an infinite number of points, but two have to be identified. A line can also be defined by a single point and a direction. |}

How do you connect 26 points with the least number of lines?

Set the points out along one straight line then one line will do the trick.

What is the least three-digit number is a product of 8?

A single number cannot produce a product.

What are least common factors of 75?

There cannot be a least common factor of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers.

What is the least common factor of 21?

There cannot be a least common factor of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers.

What is the least common factor of 75?

There cannot be a least common factor of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers.

What are the common factors of 28?

There cannot be a common factor of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers.

How do you read a premiership table?

The Premiership table is usually numbered from number 1 to 2. A team with the most number of points is usually top of the table, while the team that has the least number of points is usually at the bottom of the table.