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yes, three points in the least number of points that can be used to define a plane. if you used two points you would only have a line, and one point is a point

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Q: Is s three is the least number of points that can be used to define a plane?
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Can 3 points be non-coplanar is outside the plane?

If you are given a plane, you can always find and number of points that are not in that plane but, given anythree points there is always at least one plane that goes through all three.

How many points are needed to define a plane?


What is the greatest number of planes that can pass through three collinear points?

The points are collinear, and there is an infinite number of planes that contain a given line. A plane containing the line can be rotated about the line by any number of degrees to form an unlimited number of other planes.If, on the other hand, the points are not collinear, then the plane has no wriggle room: it is stuck fast in one place - there can be only one plane containing all the points. Provided they are non-colinear, three points will define a plane.

What would happen if three collinear points are used to define a plane?

Three collinear points don't define a plane."Define" means narrow it down to one and only one unique plane, so that it can't be confused with any other one.There are many different planes (actually infinite) that can contain three collinear points, so no unique plane is defined.

If four points are collinear they are also coplaner?

I dont think that "If four points are collinear they are also coplaner," is the same thing as "If four points are coplaner they are also collinear,". The definition of collinear is at least three points on the same line. To define a plane is to have threenoncollinear points.

Related questions

Can two points determine a plane?

No, 2 points define a line, 3 points define a plane.

Does a plane have only two points?

No, two points define a line. It takes three points to define a plane.

Can three points that define a particular plane also define a different plane?

Only if the 3 points are all in the same line. Then there are an infinite number of planes.If the 3 points are not all in the same line, then there is only one unique plane that contains them.That's what "define" means.

What is the smallest number of distinct points that can define a plane?

Three. That is why three-legged stools are always stable--the ends of their legs define a plane.

How many points define a plan?

4 points define a plane.

In general how many planes are there which contain any number of given points?

There are no planes containing any number of given points. Two points not the same define a line. Three points not in a line define a plane. For four or more points to lie in the same plane, three can be arbitrary but not on the same line, but the fourth (and so on) points must lie in that same plane.

How many points does a line have?

a line has to have at least 2 points.a plane has to have at least 3 points.______________It takes two points to define a unique line in Euclidean space. But every line and every line segment contains infinitely many points. The same is true for planes in Euclidean space. You need at least 3 points to define a unique plane, but every plane containes infinitely many points and infinitely many lines or line segments.

Can three points that define a plane also define a different plane?

No, only one UNIQUE Plane.

Can 3 points be non-coplanar is outside the plane?

If you are given a plane, you can always find and number of points that are not in that plane but, given anythree points there is always at least one plane that goes through all three.

Give a line and a point not on the line how many planes do they define?

They define one plane. A line is defined by two points, and it takes three points to define a plane, so two points on the line, and one more point not on the line equals one plane.

What is the least number of points that cannot be contained in just one plane?


How many points are needed to define a plane?