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Imagine the zeroes repeating into infinity with the 1 at the imaginary end of the infinite zeroes.

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Q: What is the least possible decimal greater than 0 but less than one?
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What is the least possible decimal greater than zero but less than one?

The least possible decimal that is greater than zero but less than one is point zero infinite times THEN one. One could try to write it as point zero one with a repitan over the zero, but i don't think that that is an acceptable format to use when writing decimals. Hope this helps!

What decimal is greater than 47 and less than 57?

49 is one possible answer.

What decimal is is less than 0.15 and greater than 0.7?

No decimal is greater than 0.7 and less than 0.15 as 0.7 is greater than 0.15 is.

Is .03 greater or less than .015?

Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.

What is the greatest possible decimal that is greater than 3 but less than 9 with only using 2 and3 and 9?


Is 2.34 greater than 2.43?

no, it is less. Look at he number after the decimal. The number after the decimal (34) is lower than (43) so it is less.

What is standard algorithm?

Standard algorithm is when you take two digits or decimals and you put the digit or decimal with the greater value on top and the digit or decimal with the least value on the bottom and you contrast the digits/decimals to see if it greater than, less than,or equal to.

Is 1.8 greater than or less than 1.53 on decimal?

greater than

How do you create a decimal and a mixed number that r either greater or less than a number?

how do you create a decimal or a mixed number that is either greater or less than any number

The product of a decimal greater than one and a decimal less than one is greater than one?

not always.. take .0001 and 1.1, the product is less than 1.

What is a decimal greater than-2.4 and less -2.31?


What is a decimal that is greater than 3.33 but is less then 3.34?

It is: 3.335