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Q: What is the least possible integer solution of the inequality 4.103x19.868?
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The question cannot be answered since it contains no inequality.

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Integer programming is a special kind of an optimising problem where the solution must be an integer.

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-52x <= 7 (-52x)/(-52) >= 7/(-52) {divide both sides by -52, and reverse the inequality when dividing by a negative. x >= -7/52 There is no largest integer value for x. If the question was ... greater than or equal to ... then the solution would be x <= -7/52, and the largest integer value would be -1.

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That has no integer solution. Three times an integer is another integer; if you subtract to integers, you get an integer again, not a fraction.

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None. -42 is a single integer, not an equation nor an inequality. So there are no solutions.

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Since the smallest integer is 2, the largest one let be x. At least 12 means equal to 12 or larger than 12. So we have this inequality: x - 2 ≥ 12 x - 2 + 2 ≥ 12 + 2 x ≥ 14

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The least possible integer is -98765432. The least possible positive integer is 10234567.

What is the definition of the solution of linear inequalities?

Each linear equation is a line that divides the coordinate plane into three regions: one "above" the line, one "below" and the line itself. For a linear inequality, the corresponding equality divides the plane into two, with the line itself belonging to one or the other region depending on the nature of the inequality. A system of linear inequalities may define a polygonal region (a simplex) that satisfies ALL the inequalities. This area, if it exists, is called the feasible region and comprises all possible solutions of the linear inequalities. In linear programming, there will be an objective function which will restrict the feasible region to a vertex or an edge of simplex. There may also be a further constraint - integer programming - where the solution must comprise integers. In this case, the feasible region will comprise all the integer grid-ponits with the simplex.