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Q: What is the line of equal elevation?
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What is a line connecting points of equal elevation?

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Line drawn on a topographic map to join points of equal elevation?

lines of equal elevation are called contour lines.

What is the difference between contour lines and relief?

Contour line connect points of equal elevation on a map, whereas relief is the difference in elevation from the highest and lowest on a map.

What is a contour on a topographic map?

A contour is a line that joins points of equal elevation.

What line on a map connects the points of equal elevation?

Contour lines or also known as isohypses, connect points of equal elevation on a map. Contour lines can be curved, straight or a mixture of both. The lines on a map describe the intersection of a real or hypothetical surface with one or more horizontal planes.

Do Equal points of elevation on a topographic map are connected by contour lines?

A contour lines connects points of equal elevation.

What is a Contour line on a topographic map?

A contour line on a topographic map represents a specific elevation above sea level. It connects points of equal elevation and helps to show the shape of the land, such as hills, valleys, and slopes. The spacing between contour lines indicates the steepness of the terrain.

What is the difference between and index contour and a regular contour line?

An index contour is a thicker contour line that is labeled with the elevation of that contour. It usually appears every fifth contour line and helps to quickly identify elevation changes on a topographic map. Regular contour lines are thinner and connect points of equal elevation.

What does a contour line measure?

A contour line measures the elevation or altitude of the land surface. It connects points of equal elevation on a map, showing the shape and steepness of the terrain.

How is an isobar like a contour line?

An isobar is a line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure, similar to how a contour line on a topographic map connects points of equal elevation. Both help to visualize patterns and gradients in data.

What is the name of the line on a map that joins places of equal height?

The name of the line on a map that joins places of equals height is "the contour." Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, whereas isohypse are lines of equal geopotential height.

Can a contour line on a topographic map connect a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a point with an elevation of 110 feet?

No. Contour lines connect points of the same elevation