'Trigonometry' comes from Greek: 'trigonon' = 'triangle' and 'metron' = 'measure'. So, basically, the measurement of triangles.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.
Hipparchus is the father of trigonometry.
Trigonometry based on a unit circle and radians and trigonometry based on a right triangle.
Hipparchus of Nicaea
'Trigonometry' comes from Greek: 'trigonon' = 'triangle' and 'metron' = 'measure'. So, basically, the measurement of triangles.
litteral meaning: name of mom understood meaning: What's your mom's name?
'Coalition' in Finnish can be many things, depending on the meaning. It could be 'liittouma' or 'ryhmittymä', but litteral translation is 'koalitio'.
loving or seeking trigonometry, in the family mathematophile
The word trigonometry originates from the two Greek words 'trigon' and 'metron'. While 'trigon' has the meaning of triangle, 'metron' means to measure. The literal translation of the word trigonometry is to measure triangles.
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The combining form meaning "triangle" is "trigon-" as in trigonometry.
It comes from "Trigonometry." Tri: Three Gon: Side Ometry: Study
The word trigonometry comes from two Greek words, trigonon, meaning triangle, and metria, meaning measurement. This is the branch of mathematics that deals with the ratios between the sides of right triangles with reference to either of its acute angles and enables you to use this information to find unknown sides or angles of any triangle. Trigonometry is not just an intellectual exercise, but has uses in the fields of engineering, surveying, navigation, archicecture, and even rocket science.
The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, fetures, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited., A treatise on this science.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry