a sound level
•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz
Decibels (dB)
Why not. Go closer to the chimes and you will measure more decibels. The closer the louder.
The loudest sound that humans can hear before experiencing pain is usually around 120 decibels, such as a rock concert or a thunderclap. However, sounds over 140 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage.
The loudest sound that can be perceived by the human ear is typically around 120-130 decibels, such as a jet engine at close range. Sounds louder than this can cause pain and potential hearing damage. The loudest sound ever recorded was the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883, which registered around 180-190 decibels.
Sound is measured in decibels. Decibels are units used to measure the intensity of sound. The highest decibel alarm clock available is 120 decibels, which can be compared to be as loud as the sound of a fire engine siren.
The blue whale is the loudest living animal on Earth at present. It can create sound waves through mating calls that go up to 188 decibels.
The loudest bike alarm available on the market is the Xena XX-14 Disc Lock Alarm, which emits a sound of 120 decibels.
The loudest sound ever recorded is believed to be the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883. The sound was heard up to 3,000 miles away and ruptured eardrums of sailors 40 miles away. It is estimated to have reached 180 to 190 decibels.
The loudest man-made sound was produced by the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883. The sound was heard 3,000 miles away and is estimated to have reached 180-190 decibels. It caused widespread destruction and resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.
The loudest insects are male cicadas in the Homoptera Order. This locust can be heard about a quarter of a mile away, same as four football field lengths. The African Cicada clocks at 107 decibels and is almost as loud as a road drill.
Jodi Parks because the Guinness Book of World Records took her average burp and not her loudest burp, they recorded it as 104.75 decibels but her actual loudest burp was 107.7 decibels beating Paul Hunn.
The dynamic range of hearing refers to the range of sound intensities that the human ear can perceive, from the quietest sound that can be heard to the loudest sound that can be tolerated without causing damage. In general, the dynamic range of human hearing is about 120 decibels, with the threshold of hearing around 0 decibels and the threshold of pain around 120-130 decibels.
180 decibels is the loudest. only if all equiptment is on at the same time.