You can find a common denominator of any set of denominators by multiplying them together. That result will not necessarily be the lowest common denominator. Example: 1/6 and 1/9 6 x 9 = 54 and 54 is a common denominator of 6 and 9, but the LCD is 18.
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
It is 117
The lowest common denominator of 9, 25, and 49 is 11025.
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest denominator is 2. The lowest common denominator is 18.
9 is.
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
You can find a common denominator of any set of denominators by multiplying them together. That result will not necessarily be the lowest common denominator. Example: 1/6 and 1/9 6 x 9 = 54 and 54 is a common denominator of 6 and 9, but the LCD is 18.
9/10 is already in its lowest term.
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
the lowest common denominator is 70 the numerators would become 63 and 30